Monday, February 14, 2011

5A: Picture

Original Picture:

Modified Picture:

          The picture I chose is by Salvador Dali and it is called the "Temptation of Saint Anthony". I chose this picture because it appeared to be very mysterious and also caught my attention. As I started to look at his picture I realized that there are many aspects of the painting some dealing with the use of shading and others dealing with the placements of his lines. One of the most interesting parts I found out about Salvador Dali's paintings is that lots of his works are formed as a picture with in a picture.
          The perfect example of how the picture with in a picture style of Dali's is in the modified picture. The modified picture is a full shot of saint Anthony holding his cross. This modified picture is a picture on its own. This picture also follows the rule of thirds because it is also if you divide the picture using horizontal lines you realize that there is a part of Saint Anthony in each section and some parts of his body are even lined up with the lines. The same effect happens also whenever the modified picture is dived into three sections using vertical lines. The examples of this would be how there is a part of  Saint Anthony's body lined up with each line. 
             The aspects of the original picture are different than aspects of the modified picture. The main difference between the two pictures is space. The sense of space in the original picture is very deep. When viewing the original picture the audience get a sense that Saint Anthony is in a very vast and land that doesn't seem to end.  The audience also gets a feeling that Saint Anthony is a in a mythical land due to the gigantic creatures that are around him.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


In Seth Godin’s “Brainwashed” we are given seven ways we can become a more successful, creative and also achieve our goals. These seven goals are designed to help "reinvent" our minds and help get over roadblocks and also give ourselves the confidence to do anything we can. The seven ways that the suggest for us to follow are Connect, Be Generous, Make Art, Acknowledge the Lizard, Ship, Fail and Learn. the two of the seven that stand out to me the most in this reading are Acknowledge the Lizard and Fail. 

In the Acknowledge the lizard section It speaks of how each and every human has a part of their brain called the lizard. this is the part of the brain that gives you the fear of you or your worked being laughed at. this part of the brain has been credited with holding back many of people because they are afraid of what people will think of them if it turns out their work isn't that great.  you may be asking how does one conquer something that is so normal for every human. the reading explains this and it is actually a lot easier than most people think it is. all you  have to do is acknowledge "the lizard" and the more you do the less it will bother you.  this really speaks to me because it teaches me that it is alright to laugh at your self and that you can actually grow a person if i always believe in my work no matter what 

The other part of the reading that had an impact on me was the fail section. In this section it talks about how us as humans pretty much have to fail sometimes so then we can learn from the experience. it also stated that the reinvention of the marketplace can not take place without failure. this section also speaks to me because it is something i live by. I usually have to fail at something before i can actually get good at it and that is how i learn. Failing is also a good skill to be experienced in because if have have failed before you know how to rebound and be able to come back with something that is truly better. 

Over all i found this reading to be really helpful. i found it helpful because it helped support some traits i had already had and also gave me some new ideas on also how to expand my mind. 

4B Critique of Music

These are the peoples songs i had to critique 

Alexa Krivoniak

Mike Giles

Emily Levy

In My Recording I only Critiqued Alexa and Mike because they had their songs up but Emily did not. 

Here is the link for my Critique