Monday, April 11, 2011

First post in a long time

Hello everyone I know it has been a while since my last post and i have good reason for you see I have started to write a movie. it and school have been taking up the majority of my time but to truly see if any one actually reads my blog i am going to pose you as my audience a task. You see i am writing a horror movie and I am having a bit of writers block as it comes to this part where one of the main characters is starting to tell a local urban legend. now if any one of you has an idea for a scary story/urban legend please tell me. I will give you credit and i will make sure the interpretation of it in my script and on film will be as close as it can be to your story. Oh I also have come up with an idea for a show that i am thinking about pitching to AVW next school year. I will probably talk about it more in later posts but all i can say for now is that is if you are a horror/sci-fi then i think you will love the show.

I now leave you with a picture that I found and it really makes me laugh: