Saturday, March 12, 2011


Here is a link to a really cool game called collapsus
 Here is also a link to my Vlog talking about it

week 7 post

Ok for this post i have to compare and contrast the joke videos we made.  Ours was about a guy addicted to beans and when he had them he farted a bunch

Ok so the first one titled beans. this movie was to help show line and movement.   we also used a lot of line direction where in scenes where the character was sitting at a table there were horizontal lines points helped serve as a point of reference that drew attention to the character.  We also put a lot of emphasis on movement in this movie too. in this movie the character does not stay stationary that much. he tends to
move a lot and be in different parts of the frame.

In the other movie a wonderful escape we tended to focus more on the shape and space aspect. In this one the shape of a lot of the objects are rectangular and are vary similar the only shape that is usually appart that is different is the bowl the beans are in. the other think we used in this movie that we really did use in the other one is a sense of space in this movie we gave the viewer more of a sense of space by having some more falt and deep space shots a flat shot would be the closes ups of the charters and some deep spaces shot would be whenever you could see what was behind him in the diner

Friday, March 11, 2011

Freak Factor

For this post i am going to be going over some points from Freak Facto a article by David Rendall.  Here is a link to the article

1.) Build on Your Strengths:

I Agree with this statement because the more you build on your strengths the better at them you become. i find this very important because then when you have to use them you can get things done faster and also people will see how good you are at those certain things . i also agree with the point that says you have to keep working on them because if you don't you will lose those strengths.

2.)Don’t try to Fix Your Weaknesses:

I do not agree with things point the author makes i believe the point he makes that everyone has limits but i believe we should all work to fix our weaknesses because then we can have a good understanding of what it means to not be good at something or have a limitation and the get past it. it is not a good idea to follow this one because then you would lose all sense of motivation because you wouldn't want to push your self to new things and also not to come over weaknesses.

3.)You Can’t Do Both:

I agree with this one one hundred percent because if you try to focus on two main goal not only it is it very hard you usually end up focusing on  one more than the other. i also believe it is better to focus on one thing at a time more than one because whenever you do focus on one thing at a time you end up doing a better job because you are more focused and your end product ends up looking a lot better.


My strengths and weaknesses vary so much i think my strengths include that i am a very hands on person and also i am always will to help with anything i also believe that i am a very sociable person and i also communicate well and also i do not give up that easily . all of these are great for the profession i want to go in to. these strengths are also good to help make connections and also show that i am a hard worker and always am willing to participate. some of my weaknesses include i do procrastinate at some points and others are i do tend to talk too much and also sometimes too little. another weakness of mine would have to be i tend to get distracted very easily. These weaknesses i am working on not procrastinating because i want to stop that habit. but overall i feel my strengths over power my weaknesses most of the time. I am trying to improve so then i can take some of my weaknesses off the list.

Animal Snap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The game we came up with was called Animal snap in this game you have to go around to different environments and take pictures of animals and Cryptic animals(animals of urban legends) in this game you are a photo journalist trying to beat your rival in taking the best pictures of animals. This game was a lot of fun to design because it brought back great memories of Pokemon snap as a kid.  

The Good:

The group and I got all of requirements down and we had a great time coming up with the game. the group also did a good job presenting because we gave the audience a good understanding of what the game was. we also had a good explanation on how the game would be played and also what the game would look like in it's different environments. Another good thing we did with the game is if was released we would have it be released on PC/MAC so then the game would be more accesible and also you can take it more places. 

The Ugly: 

I think we could have made it so our whole presentation was longer and also we could have had more visuals. the thing i wish we could of done is made some trailers and also maybe some game play shots because then the audience would have gotten a more of an idea of what the game would look like. i would have also would have liked to have visuals of the environments that the character would have gone to. This would have helped a lot because the visuals are one of the main things that help make a game great. 

Mechanics/concept:  The concept of the game i think is fairly simple i believe that it is a great game for all ages and it also has more of an educational purpose to it. i feel the goals you have to achieve in the game are good because you have a list of animals you have to get pictures of so you have those goals but you can also take pictures of animals off the list too. the plot of the game is good for the game too because it gives you a since that you have to do your best to beat your rival .The mechanics are also very simple because the vehicle you are in has a set path and also whenever you move it has set places for you to move to in your vessel. 

There be Super Heros Invading Me Blog

Ok For this blog we have to critique peoples heros/villains The first people i am going to critique is Colin Mercer and Sam Binning.

Lightning Man:


For this group the main thing I would like to focus on is Color. This group did a great showing what colors go with villains and heros. The Red and yellow that go with Lightning Man are really good for the hue when using hero colors because since red and yellow are complementary and also show that the character has more of a dominate feature with the red and also shows that the character had a more calmer lighter side too with using the color yellow. Lightning man also has a good deal of brightness for the hero and this caused it to show that the hero was more on the side of good. the shading for the villain show how dark and menacing the villain is and it also shows the  how he also does not have any good in him because all the colors around him and on him are dark.

My next Group is Mike Mytnick and Amanda Oyakawa:

The things i like they did were Lighting and Movement. the Group did a really good job showing how lighting has a lot to tell the the differences between hero and villain. the lighting for the hero is very bright and this helps show how the hero is a very happy person and also symbolizes his intent to do good there is also les shadow which helps enhance the brightness even more. the movement of the hero too is very good too it does a good job showing squat and stretch and it shows some good parallel movements too. there villains lighting is good because it shows that the villains mood is depressed and evil and the lighting around him helps symbolise this too. his movement is also very good because it shows how he moves in a menacing tone and also give off that he an evil character. 

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Best Superpower Ever

For this assignment we were asked to choose a super power that we would like to have and we also had to listen to a this american life clip here is the link for the clip

Here is a link to my Vlog:

Also for this post instead of doing audio i have decided to do a volg because i like doing vlogs more than audio posts and I also feel I have done enough audio posts to show that I know how to do them.