Saturday, March 12, 2011

week 7 post

Ok for this post i have to compare and contrast the joke videos we made.  Ours was about a guy addicted to beans and when he had them he farted a bunch

Ok so the first one titled beans. this movie was to help show line and movement.   we also used a lot of line direction where in scenes where the character was sitting at a table there were horizontal lines points helped serve as a point of reference that drew attention to the character.  We also put a lot of emphasis on movement in this movie too. in this movie the character does not stay stationary that much. he tends to
move a lot and be in different parts of the frame.

In the other movie a wonderful escape we tended to focus more on the shape and space aspect. In this one the shape of a lot of the objects are rectangular and are vary similar the only shape that is usually appart that is different is the bowl the beans are in. the other think we used in this movie that we really did use in the other one is a sense of space in this movie we gave the viewer more of a sense of space by having some more falt and deep space shots a flat shot would be the closes ups of the charters and some deep spaces shot would be whenever you could see what was behind him in the diner

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