Friday, March 11, 2011

There be Super Heros Invading Me Blog

Ok For this blog we have to critique peoples heros/villains The first people i am going to critique is Colin Mercer and Sam Binning.

Lightning Man:


For this group the main thing I would like to focus on is Color. This group did a great showing what colors go with villains and heros. The Red and yellow that go with Lightning Man are really good for the hue when using hero colors because since red and yellow are complementary and also show that the character has more of a dominate feature with the red and also shows that the character had a more calmer lighter side too with using the color yellow. Lightning man also has a good deal of brightness for the hero and this caused it to show that the hero was more on the side of good. the shading for the villain show how dark and menacing the villain is and it also shows the  how he also does not have any good in him because all the colors around him and on him are dark.

My next Group is Mike Mytnick and Amanda Oyakawa:

The things i like they did were Lighting and Movement. the Group did a really good job showing how lighting has a lot to tell the the differences between hero and villain. the lighting for the hero is very bright and this helps show how the hero is a very happy person and also symbolizes his intent to do good there is also les shadow which helps enhance the brightness even more. the movement of the hero too is very good too it does a good job showing squat and stretch and it shows some good parallel movements too. there villains lighting is good because it shows that the villains mood is depressed and evil and the lighting around him helps symbolise this too. his movement is also very good because it shows how he moves in a menacing tone and also give off that he an evil character. 

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