Monday, April 11, 2011

First post in a long time

Hello everyone I know it has been a while since my last post and i have good reason for you see I have started to write a movie. it and school have been taking up the majority of my time but to truly see if any one actually reads my blog i am going to pose you as my audience a task. You see i am writing a horror movie and I am having a bit of writers block as it comes to this part where one of the main characters is starting to tell a local urban legend. now if any one of you has an idea for a scary story/urban legend please tell me. I will give you credit and i will make sure the interpretation of it in my script and on film will be as close as it can be to your story. Oh I also have come up with an idea for a show that i am thinking about pitching to AVW next school year. I will probably talk about it more in later posts but all i can say for now is that is if you are a horror/sci-fi then i think you will love the show.

I now leave you with a picture that I found and it really makes me laugh:

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Here is a link to a really cool game called collapsus
 Here is also a link to my Vlog talking about it

week 7 post

Ok for this post i have to compare and contrast the joke videos we made.  Ours was about a guy addicted to beans and when he had them he farted a bunch

Ok so the first one titled beans. this movie was to help show line and movement.   we also used a lot of line direction where in scenes where the character was sitting at a table there were horizontal lines points helped serve as a point of reference that drew attention to the character.  We also put a lot of emphasis on movement in this movie too. in this movie the character does not stay stationary that much. he tends to
move a lot and be in different parts of the frame.

In the other movie a wonderful escape we tended to focus more on the shape and space aspect. In this one the shape of a lot of the objects are rectangular and are vary similar the only shape that is usually appart that is different is the bowl the beans are in. the other think we used in this movie that we really did use in the other one is a sense of space in this movie we gave the viewer more of a sense of space by having some more falt and deep space shots a flat shot would be the closes ups of the charters and some deep spaces shot would be whenever you could see what was behind him in the diner

Friday, March 11, 2011

Freak Factor

For this post i am going to be going over some points from Freak Facto a article by David Rendall.  Here is a link to the article

1.) Build on Your Strengths:

I Agree with this statement because the more you build on your strengths the better at them you become. i find this very important because then when you have to use them you can get things done faster and also people will see how good you are at those certain things . i also agree with the point that says you have to keep working on them because if you don't you will lose those strengths.

2.)Don’t try to Fix Your Weaknesses:

I do not agree with things point the author makes i believe the point he makes that everyone has limits but i believe we should all work to fix our weaknesses because then we can have a good understanding of what it means to not be good at something or have a limitation and the get past it. it is not a good idea to follow this one because then you would lose all sense of motivation because you wouldn't want to push your self to new things and also not to come over weaknesses.

3.)You Can’t Do Both:

I agree with this one one hundred percent because if you try to focus on two main goal not only it is it very hard you usually end up focusing on  one more than the other. i also believe it is better to focus on one thing at a time more than one because whenever you do focus on one thing at a time you end up doing a better job because you are more focused and your end product ends up looking a lot better.


My strengths and weaknesses vary so much i think my strengths include that i am a very hands on person and also i am always will to help with anything i also believe that i am a very sociable person and i also communicate well and also i do not give up that easily . all of these are great for the profession i want to go in to. these strengths are also good to help make connections and also show that i am a hard worker and always am willing to participate. some of my weaknesses include i do procrastinate at some points and others are i do tend to talk too much and also sometimes too little. another weakness of mine would have to be i tend to get distracted very easily. These weaknesses i am working on not procrastinating because i want to stop that habit. but overall i feel my strengths over power my weaknesses most of the time. I am trying to improve so then i can take some of my weaknesses off the list.

Animal Snap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The game we came up with was called Animal snap in this game you have to go around to different environments and take pictures of animals and Cryptic animals(animals of urban legends) in this game you are a photo journalist trying to beat your rival in taking the best pictures of animals. This game was a lot of fun to design because it brought back great memories of Pokemon snap as a kid.  

The Good:

The group and I got all of requirements down and we had a great time coming up with the game. the group also did a good job presenting because we gave the audience a good understanding of what the game was. we also had a good explanation on how the game would be played and also what the game would look like in it's different environments. Another good thing we did with the game is if was released we would have it be released on PC/MAC so then the game would be more accesible and also you can take it more places. 

The Ugly: 

I think we could have made it so our whole presentation was longer and also we could have had more visuals. the thing i wish we could of done is made some trailers and also maybe some game play shots because then the audience would have gotten a more of an idea of what the game would look like. i would have also would have liked to have visuals of the environments that the character would have gone to. This would have helped a lot because the visuals are one of the main things that help make a game great. 

Mechanics/concept:  The concept of the game i think is fairly simple i believe that it is a great game for all ages and it also has more of an educational purpose to it. i feel the goals you have to achieve in the game are good because you have a list of animals you have to get pictures of so you have those goals but you can also take pictures of animals off the list too. the plot of the game is good for the game too because it gives you a since that you have to do your best to beat your rival .The mechanics are also very simple because the vehicle you are in has a set path and also whenever you move it has set places for you to move to in your vessel. 

There be Super Heros Invading Me Blog

Ok For this blog we have to critique peoples heros/villains The first people i am going to critique is Colin Mercer and Sam Binning.

Lightning Man:


For this group the main thing I would like to focus on is Color. This group did a great showing what colors go with villains and heros. The Red and yellow that go with Lightning Man are really good for the hue when using hero colors because since red and yellow are complementary and also show that the character has more of a dominate feature with the red and also shows that the character had a more calmer lighter side too with using the color yellow. Lightning man also has a good deal of brightness for the hero and this caused it to show that the hero was more on the side of good. the shading for the villain show how dark and menacing the villain is and it also shows the  how he also does not have any good in him because all the colors around him and on him are dark.

My next Group is Mike Mytnick and Amanda Oyakawa:

The things i like they did were Lighting and Movement. the Group did a really good job showing how lighting has a lot to tell the the differences between hero and villain. the lighting for the hero is very bright and this helps show how the hero is a very happy person and also symbolizes his intent to do good there is also les shadow which helps enhance the brightness even more. the movement of the hero too is very good too it does a good job showing squat and stretch and it shows some good parallel movements too. there villains lighting is good because it shows that the villains mood is depressed and evil and the lighting around him helps symbolise this too. his movement is also very good because it shows how he moves in a menacing tone and also give off that he an evil character. 

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Best Superpower Ever

For this assignment we were asked to choose a super power that we would like to have and we also had to listen to a this american life clip here is the link for the clip

Here is a link to my Vlog:

Also for this post instead of doing audio i have decided to do a volg because i like doing vlogs more than audio posts and I also feel I have done enough audio posts to show that I know how to do them. 

Monday, February 14, 2011

5A: Picture

Original Picture:

Modified Picture:

          The picture I chose is by Salvador Dali and it is called the "Temptation of Saint Anthony". I chose this picture because it appeared to be very mysterious and also caught my attention. As I started to look at his picture I realized that there are many aspects of the painting some dealing with the use of shading and others dealing with the placements of his lines. One of the most interesting parts I found out about Salvador Dali's paintings is that lots of his works are formed as a picture with in a picture.
          The perfect example of how the picture with in a picture style of Dali's is in the modified picture. The modified picture is a full shot of saint Anthony holding his cross. This modified picture is a picture on its own. This picture also follows the rule of thirds because it is also if you divide the picture using horizontal lines you realize that there is a part of Saint Anthony in each section and some parts of his body are even lined up with the lines. The same effect happens also whenever the modified picture is dived into three sections using vertical lines. The examples of this would be how there is a part of  Saint Anthony's body lined up with each line. 
             The aspects of the original picture are different than aspects of the modified picture. The main difference between the two pictures is space. The sense of space in the original picture is very deep. When viewing the original picture the audience get a sense that Saint Anthony is in a very vast and land that doesn't seem to end.  The audience also gets a feeling that Saint Anthony is a in a mythical land due to the gigantic creatures that are around him.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


In Seth Godin’s “Brainwashed” we are given seven ways we can become a more successful, creative and also achieve our goals. These seven goals are designed to help "reinvent" our minds and help get over roadblocks and also give ourselves the confidence to do anything we can. The seven ways that the suggest for us to follow are Connect, Be Generous, Make Art, Acknowledge the Lizard, Ship, Fail and Learn. the two of the seven that stand out to me the most in this reading are Acknowledge the Lizard and Fail. 

In the Acknowledge the lizard section It speaks of how each and every human has a part of their brain called the lizard. this is the part of the brain that gives you the fear of you or your worked being laughed at. this part of the brain has been credited with holding back many of people because they are afraid of what people will think of them if it turns out their work isn't that great.  you may be asking how does one conquer something that is so normal for every human. the reading explains this and it is actually a lot easier than most people think it is. all you  have to do is acknowledge "the lizard" and the more you do the less it will bother you.  this really speaks to me because it teaches me that it is alright to laugh at your self and that you can actually grow a person if i always believe in my work no matter what 

The other part of the reading that had an impact on me was the fail section. In this section it talks about how us as humans pretty much have to fail sometimes so then we can learn from the experience. it also stated that the reinvention of the marketplace can not take place without failure. this section also speaks to me because it is something i live by. I usually have to fail at something before i can actually get good at it and that is how i learn. Failing is also a good skill to be experienced in because if have have failed before you know how to rebound and be able to come back with something that is truly better. 

Over all i found this reading to be really helpful. i found it helpful because it helped support some traits i had already had and also gave me some new ideas on also how to expand my mind. 

4B Critique of Music

These are the peoples songs i had to critique 

Alexa Krivoniak

Mike Giles

Emily Levy

In My Recording I only Critiqued Alexa and Mike because they had their songs up but Emily did not. 

Here is the link for my Critique

Monday, January 31, 2011

Sound Scape Reviews

Chris Faust

Eric Eaton

Jay Deal

These are the three people i did a critique of their sound scape over

You can find my Critique at

Original vs Cover (3a)

Rolling Stones Shine a Light (original)

Phish Shine a Light (cover) 

 The two versions of the song shine a light are unique in their own ways. There are many contrasts and affinities between the two versions. the first version is the original by the Rolling Stones and the second is a cover by Phish. Some of the contrasts of the songs are the speed and the intensity. The way the speed is different is that the Phish version of the song is slightly faster paced than the Rolling Stones version that is set at a slower pace. The intensity of the songs is another contrast between the songs is that Stones song starts out a lot softer than the Phish song and also the guitar solo in the phish version is more intense than the Stones version as well. 

 There are also a decent amount of affinities between the two songs as well. Some examples of the affinities between the two song would have to be the lyrics and also the pitch. The Lyrics are similar because phish did not change or add any lyrics to the song so that mean all of the words for the song are the same. The pitch is also the same because both Mick Jagger(lead singer for the Rolling Stones) and Trey Anastasio(lead singer/lead guitarist of Phish) have medium pitch to their signing voices. also bother of their vocals help give the song a rougher sound. 

I had a really hard time choosing which of the songs I liked more but ultimately i chose the Phish version of the song because i like  how it is more intense and also I enjoyed that the version was longer the other why i enjoyed it so much because it was a live version of the song and i tend to like live versions more than the studio version. 

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Finding your Howl

In Johnathon Flaum's "Finding your howl"  there are two short stories presented. one is about a wolf named Mumon and about how he has to find out to adapt to life in the wild and learn how to find his howl and the sacrifices he has to make to get it. the second is a story that a classmates of the authors wrote in the 5th grade it is about how a tiger attempts to escape from a zoo but no matter how hard the tiger tries all that happens his he ends up in a new zoo in a bigger cage. the first story started out that you found out the red wolf had been an endangered species and then some off spring of ones held in captivity had been released in to the wild they did find but one thing that they were missing is they did not know how to howl. The main character of the story Mumon was determined to find his howl. He kills a deer in order to see if hunting will help him find it but it doesn't. then a bird tells him that his howl will come to him when he most needs it. Mumon for some time still goes with out howling until he was confronted from hunters and instead of running he sacrifices him self and he figures out as he is sacrificing him self that he can howl.

here is a link to my audio clip

14 ways to get break through ideas

Mitch Ditkoff's "14 Ways to Get Breakthrough Ideas" explains 14 different ways that we as people can have a creative breakthrough. these ideas the Ditkoff has in this article can help anyone become a more creative person. The ideas in this article are also supported by quotes by professionals so the reader of this article knows that there is truth and meaning behind the words of author.
These are three of the ways that really stuck out to me from this article.

1.) Follow Your Fascination

I feel that this point made in the article is very important to me. This point clearly states that expanding on a new idea you have or even expanding on a life long goal is a great way to make a breakthrough. This section speaks to me because it Ditkoff did a great job inspiring me to expand my ideas that i have no matter how small or big the may be. The link from from this section that spoke to me the most was "out of the thousands of ideas with the power to capture our imagination, the fascination felt for one of them is a clue that there’s something worthy of our engagement." this quote really spoke to me because it made me realize that no matter how small an idea may be if you feel like it is good and work chasing you should pursue it.

10.) Hang Out With  Diverse Groups of People.

This Section really spoke to me because i completely agree with what it says. i believe that if you do not have a diverse group of friends it not only boring because you get stuck into a pattern but also if you do if you do not have a diverse group fo friends it is hard to not only draw inspiration from different social groups and cultures, it is also makes sure you have wide variety of friends that you can form connections with and rely on. A quote from this section that made a lot of sense to me was "If you want to increase your chances of getting a breakthrough idea, you will need to break the bonds of the familiar. Hang out with a different crowd." This quote i relate to a lot because i do this because it has me see that if others do enjoy my work other than my close group of friends and family. This also quote also inspires me to go and hangout with social groups and people.

8.) Take a Brake

This advice that Ditkoff gives is very useful for me. I have been using this technique in my creative process for quite some time. i believe that taking a break while feeling over whelmed is very important because it gives you a chance not only to calm down but it also gives you a chance to improve upon your ideas. The other part of this idea is that taking a break doesn't mean you have to stop everything it can also mean that you can work on something else to help inspire you.

For my Prompt I chose #5 Fantasize. The prompt the section has is "Think of a current challenge of yours. What would a fantasy solution to this challenge look like? What clues does this fantasy solution give you?"

 My answer to the first question is that a current challenge of mine is the screenplay i am writing for a movie the reason why it is so challenging is that it is my first time writing a horror movie and i am nervous on how it will turn out.
 The fantasy solution to that challenge would be that I finish my screenplay and also make sure it is good enough that i could actually get other people interested in making it into a movie.
 The clues that i draw from this fantasy are that I want to my screenplay to be able to turn into a movie and also that i want people to accept me as a writer and film maker.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Sources of inspiration

My creativity is something i take very seriously and my sources of inspiration for me are something I take very personally. I have a ton of inspirations but there are three that I am going to list in this post are the main ones I get inspired by.

1.) Phish
I first discovered Phish from my Middle School science teacher. When I first heard them I immediately fell in love and started to listen to them a lot. The thing is they did not really have an effect on my creative process until last year. the main creative inspiration I got from phish is improvisation and also to make each one of my works different.
  Last year I started to listen to Phish intensely when I got their new album Joy. When i heard this album for the first time it amazed because this is one of their best studio albums to date but it also had a deep meaning to it.  the song i feel that i feel has the most meaning to is the title track Joy.
 Here is a video of Phish preforming the song Joy

The song Joy is a great example of how Phish uses the example of text and subtext. The text of this song says about how they want to cheer up some they know. On the level of subtext this song takes a much deeper meaning the meaning in the subtext is this song is about Trey Anastasio's(lead guitarist/vocalists) family and friends helped cheer him up after his sister had passed away due to cancer.

2.) Sam Raimi
Sam Raimi over the past couple of years has given me a good amount of inspiration for my work. The work of his that inspires me the most is the evil dead trilogy. The main source of inspiration from this work is not only the horror aspect of it but also the comedy/horror part of it.  the reason why I like comedy horror so much is because it not only can scare the audience but also have them enjoy and laugh at ridiculous aspects of the film. here is a clip from Evil Dead 2
The aspect from this clip perfectly demonstrates another aspect i like to take from Sam Raimi movies. this aspect is Tension and Release. The tension of this scene comes from not knowing who is going to win the fight the hand or Ash. The battle goes on for quite some time and it through out it it is unsure who will be unsure because they seem to be evenly matched. then all of that tension is released in a bloody ending when Ash wins the fight.

3.) Steven Spielburg

Steven Spielberg has always been a huge source of inspiration for me. If it was not for me seeing Jurassic park at the age of 5 I am not even sure if I would have had any interests in film. I remember after seeing that film I immediately became obsessed with him and started to watch a lot of his movies. I also have a lot to owe to Spielberg because if it was not for the movie Jaws i would have never wanted to learn bass because the reason why I took up bass in the fourth grade is because i wanted to learn the infamous bass line from the movie. The other forms of inspiration i draw from Spielburg is his intrest in the obscure and also his major intrest in history.
Here is a clip from the movie Schindler's List
This scene from the movie is a Perfect example of Contrast and Affinity. The affinity in this scene is the black and white which is what the movie is shot in but in this scene there is also a contrast whenever you actually see color from a little girl wearing a fred coat. This contrast is meant to symbolize 6,000,000 million victims of the holocaust.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

About Me

I am video production major at Ohio University. I enjoy anything and everything about movies i have literally seen thousands of movies and have always wanted to do something in the cinema field since i saw Jurassic Park when i was 4 I love to help make movies or shows in any way I can. The thing i like most about movies is i feel it is the greatest way to show your thoughts, views, and ideas to the world. other than movies my hobbies consist of video games, music, and also hanging out with my friends and meeting new people. The thing i hope to most accomplish from this blog is that i would like to show what i learn about the media process in my classes and also to post my own work.